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  • LaFontaine Kia Ann Arbor

Kia Finance near Ypsilanti MI

When you’re ready to buy that Kia Forte or Kia Sorento you’ve been researching, our finance team will be here to assist. We provide Kia financing for drivers all throughout Ypsilanti, MI, and will find the right plan for you.

Get started today when you access our online finance tools and submit an application. Have questions about the process? Give us a call at LaFontaine Kia!

Where to Finance a Kia near Ypsilanti MI

If you’re looking for a quality place to start your Kia financing journey, turn to our dealership team. We’re experienced in all facets of the financing process and will break down the details into easy-to-understand terms.

Stop in today to test drive your model of choice before you head over to our finance center. You’ll be invited to go over the kind of payment plan you’re looking for and to fill out our finance application. Then, we’ll research various options and present them to you.

It’s also possible to start the process from the comfort of home when you submit a secure online finance application. Complete it to find out if you’ve been preapproved for credit! It also helps to use our other tools that include the following:

These resources provide a valuable look at the details of your plan so you can start calculating which term length you’d like, how much of a down payment to put toward the vehicle, and how your current car’s trade-in value will help you get a better payment.

Where to Finance a Kia
Start a Kia Loan or Lease
Start a Kia Loan or Lease

As you talk through your payment plan options, you’ll have a few choices to make. You can either start a loan plan to purchase your Kia or begin a lease agreement.

If you’re new to one of these processes and have questions, send them our way! We’ll clarify things and have you feeling ready to choose the plan that best fits into your lifestyle.

A Kia purchase might be better if you’re looking to drive your vehicle for the long term. Ownership means you can rack up any number of miles, customize the vehicle as you see fit, and either sell it or trade it in when you want something new.

If you choose to lease a Kia, you’ll drive the vehicle for about two to three years. At the end, you’ll bring it back to us to exchange it for a new one. You won’t have to trade it in or sell it, which could be a nice time-saving perk. Plus, since the lease is only for a short amount of time, the vehicle will likely have coverage from the original manufacturer’s warranty the whole time.

If you’re still unsure which payment path to take, talk with us further about the differences between buying and leasing a Kia! 

Select a Kia Finance Special

To make your purchase or lease even more worthwhile, check out our Kia specials. They include different vehicles from month to month and may just feature the model you’ve always wanted!

They’re listed here on our website so you can browse at your leisure. Take some time to read through the terms and see the different monthly payments to decide which one is right for you.

Don’t see your favorite model? Be sure to check back to see the latest updates. We keep these specials on rotation to include different models, terms, and payments. Feel free to reach out directly to inquire about any upcoming deals!

Kia Finance Special
Visit Our Kia Finance Center near Ypsilanti MI

We’re excited to welcome you to our finance center, where you can choose a Kia payment plan that fits your needs. With the help of our team, you’ll have the keys to a fresh new Kia to drive around Ypsilanti, Michigan.

If you’d like more information about our cars for sale or about our finance options, contact us at LaFontaine Kia!

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